Browse My Media:
A Better Way to Store Your Media
An intricately organized digital library that helps you find and share the files you need, when you need them.
Stop Wasting Your Time
You have thousands of photos and files. Tens of thousands. Finding the right photo or slide deck is costing you way too much time. But there’s a better way.
Browse My Media uses a smart system to categorize your files. Find the files you’ve been looking for quickly and easily by typing in one or more keywords to narrow your results in seconds.
It’s never been easier to find exactly what you’re looking for.
Store & Save
Free up space on your network by storing all your files in one centralized location.
Share With Ease
Delegate access to specific files and folders to anyone you want— no logins required!
Manage & Find
Take control of your files and user permissions, and easily find what you need.
This is not just another file-sharing service.
Browse My Media’s smart search feature and sharing controls take file management to the next level.
- Keyword Search
- Scalable Storage
- Content Sharing
- Customizable User Permissions
- Multiple File Types Supported
- Bulk Upload and Download Feature
Your new Media Library is just an email or phone call away…
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STEP 1: Request a quote: click here.
STEP 2: Discuss the details with Matt.
STEP 3: Take a tour of your new setup.